Here's to you, mothers everywhere!
Let's not deny how freaking badass our mothers are. They've sacrificed sleep and free time to keep a watchful eye on us as we grew. They've known our emotions and called our bluffs whenever we said something was "fine." And ultimately, until you manage to shove a living baby out of your recreational pipeline, you will never be as tough.
Today is the day we recognize that might, because not even the Hulk is strong enough to do that with a baby. This is the day that all of that labor in raising us, from the womb to the living room, gets recognized. Mother's Day is designed to be a reward for the elaborately programmed maternal units: whether it be a sabbatical from day-to-day chores, a chance for indulgence, or receiving gifts and grotesquely tacky cards.
Above all, it's supposed to send a message: everything you have done, dear mothers, has made us into what we are today. Your work should have some reward, and we appreciate everything you do. You are more badass than the Hulk!
If you're doing it right though, that message should be sent everyday. One day isn't enough, Hallmark.
Mornin' Hays, signing off. Thanks, Meesh.