Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Stray Observations From Ash Wednesday

Day one of Lent, and I'm already back to work. Great job, me! You're off to a good start thus far. Today, of course, is Ash Wednesday, where we get the nice little cross on the forehead, reminded of our mortality and eventual ascent to heaven... yeah, the whole nine yards. I will confess out front that I missed the chance to attend the Ash Wednesday service at church tonight, as my sister required a ride home and would not have been happy if her chauffeur slacked off on his duties. Hey, at least I didn't accidentally say all****a (a big no-no, for those of you who weren't raised in liturgical churches) by accident like I did last year.

That being said, since the most natural form of writing for me is the stream-of-consciousness, I thought I would offer a few stray observations from my experience thus far as well as my goals for the rest of Lent.

  • Giving up Twitter has felt weird, but not necessarily difficult. I've discovered that my past use of it was not because of addiction, but because of impulse. Deleting Twitter from my iPad and Droid (look at how freaking privileged I am) gets rid of this impulse, and I have no emptiness when I find that it's not there. It is strange to comprehend that I am no longer receiving the constant flow of information (if you can call it that), but it is something that I'm able to tolerate in the end. I could probably live without for a while.
  • So, no with distraction from Twitter now, and with Facebook and Insta rarely being that much of a distraction themselves, I AM ACTUALLY GETTING CRAP DONE. Imagine that. I've gotten schoolwork completed early, I've gotten more hours of sleep, and I have time to read the books I've disgracefully deferred for a very long time now. This is actually pretty glorious.
  • Since I'm quite the avant-gardist, just giving something up ain't enough for me this season. There's a lot of crap I want to do to and reshape myself and have a meaningful experience. I got an idea from Patheos, found by clicking on this man flipping a table over (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻. I might follow this a bit loosely, as I did last year, but I'm mostly trying to follow my own program. This will manifest over time, but I've decided the biggest thing I want to focus on is relationships with others (and not the kind that you say you are in on Facebook). I am not saying that I have issues with my introversion; it's part of my nature and allows me time to reflect. And blog. But since the point of Lent is building a better relationship with God, I think I should do the same with people I know. With Twitter gone, I know can actually try to have more direct conversations outside of school/rehearsals/predetermined gatherings. Got to actually take some of this into my own hands. This applies to people I see nearly daily (i.e. the folks from the predetermined gatherings I just mentioned), as well as the folks who I rarely at all (I know a lot of people from across SC, and the rest of the Southeast, for that matter, thanks to Episco-stuff). Talking more. Strange thing, right? This combines a few ideas from Patheos into one, but I'll see just how much I can expand upon this.
  • I also want to consider my enemies and those who I put down. And strangers. In fact, I want to go ahead and do what I did for day one last year and give a prayer for the enemies, as Patheos suggests. So, let me bring this back from one of my old posts last year.
Lord, I know that many people have wronged me in my life.  Maybe we didn't agree, maybe they physically or verbally attacked me, or maybe they don't know they hurt me at all, but for now, that doesn't matter.  I would like to acknowledge that even though these people have hurt me, it is pointless to hold a grudge, and these people are just as human as I am, and we face the exact same problems every day.  Lord, just as you have remained by my side as I have wronged others, please stand by my enemies even as they wrong me, and by the enemies of the others as they do wrong, as well.  Please help these people through their troubles, and let them know that no amount of wrongdoings can separate them from your love.  In your name I pray.  Amen.

Whamola. And don't worry, as grossly sentimental as today was, I also want to have some more humorous, just-for-fun posts. And give some more commentary. And I hope to be more specific. But I'm not going to do everything at once because I am a simple teenager and lack the attention span or devotion to do so.

Mornin' Hays, signing off.

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