Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Bit of Rest

Sundays aren't counted in the 40 Days of Lent. Days of rest essentially. Technically, you are even allowed to briefly return to whatever you gave up. For tonight, though, I'm just going to provoke a fewer less thoughts than normal and just recap a bit.

  • Yesterday, I posted an article about UNC basketball and faith. The results of last night's game should be used as further evidence that faith endures a lot of shit. And that was a lot of shit in Cameron last night. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
  • Twitterless life is still going well. I'm still more productive as a worker (got a catapult built today, no big deal) and I've had much more time to budget and concentrate. And blog! But I'm just stating what I already have said, and I imagine I'll have much more to say about that all once Easter comes.
  • Thursday night through Sunday evening, I'll be at Camp Gravatt serving on Music Team for Happening #71. This is a retreat for high-schoolers that awakened the spirit in countless youth (including yours truly, back at Happening #69 last March), and God willing, will touch much more. Being on music team is something that excites me because, hey, a weekend of playing guitar and singing? That'll be fun. This also means that I likely will not be able to post to this blog during those days, but I'll sure have a lot to say when I return!
  • In secular news, I finally got around to starting Divergent. So far, not so good, but we'll see.
Nothing clever to say for tonight. I might have had a bit more to say if I wasn't spending the last hour watching a recording of The Amazing Race (the only reality TV show I find entertainment in, in spite of its gimmickry, annoying contestants, and disgusting product placement). Peace.

Mornin' Hays, signing off.

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